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Squid tomato soup


  • 1 kg squids
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • black olives q.s.
  • chilli q.s.
  • Masserie di Sant’Eramo extra virgin olive oil q.s.


Squid tomato soup is a rich, fragrant and tasty second course.

After carefully cleaning the squids, cut the bag into rings and leave the tentacles entire instead. Add the extra virgin olive oil and the garlic cloves in a pan and brown for a few minutes. Then add the squids, sautéing for a few minutes so that they start cooking. Meanwhile, wash and chop the tomatoes. Remove the squids from the pan and set them aside. Cook the tomatoes for a few minutes. When they release all their juice and are cooked, add salt and pepper to taste and add the squids, continuing the cooking for a few minutes. Finally, add some chilli and a handful of black olives. Serve hot.

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