The best oil for frying: here is

Is it better seed oil or extra virgin olive oil? The answer seems to be unanimous

19 February 2021

Confirmed by nutritioners, extra virgin olive oil is the best oil for frying. As already known, extra virgin olive oil is a panacea for our body. It has so many beneficial properties that it is considered a real drug. Olive oil has an abundant amount of powerful antioxidants and substances with anti-inflammatory properties, it helps the prevention and fight against certain diseases, so it can be included in any kind of diet. But what makes it perfect for frying?

Extra virgin olive oil: the best for frying

Frying is a type of cooking, which needs high temperatures. This puts oil stability to the test which, heated up too much, can run into oxidation from which carcinogenic substances are formed. Therefore, the smoke point is the key element to understand which is the best oil for frying, that is the temperature to which a fat (in this case olive oil) starts becoming harmful. Extra virgin olive oil has a smoke point of 210 degrees. A valid alternative is peanut oil, which has a smoke point of 180 degrees. Rejected those of sunflower seeds, corn and soy which tend to easily deteriorate.

The rules for a good frying

First of all, the temperature. It is not recommended to fry at a temperature below 160 and above 180 degrees. In this range the best cooking is achieved, preventing from the release of toxic substances. Therefore, it is always recommended the use of a cooking thermometer, or a fryer with the temperature control can be an alternative. It is also fundamental to use the right amount of oil. If there is too little and too much food is cooked at the same time, the temperature lowers and the food tends to absorb oil without finishing cooking. It is better to use more oil and fry the food a little at a time, draining the cooked ones and adding in the pan those to be cooked.